“De-a Arhitectura” ( let’s play architecture) is an Association of architects and teachers that develops and promotes architecture and built environment education for children and young people in Romania, in order to raise the awareness and provide knowledge about the values of architecture, design and urban planning. “De-a Arhitectura” activity spans from educational programs for schools, workshops and conferences for children, to conferences on architecture education for young audiences and teachers +architects training programmes. In 2014 “De-a Arhitectura” succeeded to introduce the architecture and build environment education in the national optional curricula for 3rd and 4th grade. The educational programs are brought to schools by volunteer architects and are present in 120 schools throughout the country, every school year. The Romanian Chamber of Architects and Romanian Union of Architects support and partly finance the Association, which is also financed from sponsorships and its own fundraising campaigns.
Members: Mina Sava & Eliza Yokina (Romanian Chamber of Architects)