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Architectural education for children and young people in Poland is based on original concepts and international cooperation, inspired by networking within UIA BEE and PLAYCE. The Shaping Space program of RIAI has been adopted by the Chamber of Architects. Some elements of architectural education are introduced into curriculum. There is a chance to offer certain themes for attractive workshop activities, not only after-school but during classes. The recent programme "Archi-adventures" of the National Centre for Culture is aimed at systematic work, starting from kindergartens and primary school classes 1-3. It concentrates on: perception, architectural basics, participatory planning and design for sustainability, promotion of building culture. According to the proposal, a set of chosen lessons in kindergartens and schools are led by pairs of tutors – the specially trained teachers and young architects, working together, also educating each other. The kindergarten program is open to everybody (English version in the link). The scripts for further classes are under preparation.


Guest: Dariusz Smiechowski (Association of Polish Architects SARP)

Link to Chamber of Architects

Link to Archi-przygody 

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