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Bundesarchitektenkammer - BAK

The Bundesarchitektenkammer (BAK) is the holding organization of all chambers of architects in the federal countries of Germany. BAK does not further co-ordinate programmes of architecture education of children. But on the BAK website you can find links to several ‘Architecture and School’ or ‘Architecture and Children’ programmes and activities in the chambers of architects in the federal countries of Germany.

Architektenkammer Thüringen - AKT

The Chamber of Architects of Thuringia is the professional organisation of all architects, landscape architects, interior architects and urban planners in the Federal State Thuringia. Architects of the working group “Architecture and School” support actively architecture education in schools, kindergartens and other public or private institutions. A co-operative agreement was therefore signed up between the Chamber and the Thuringian Institute of Further Training of Teachers, Curricula Development and Media (ThILLM). In close collaboration international symposia about architecture communication particularly in schools are organised in a 3-year cycle at Bauhaus University Weimar. The next symposium will be in 2018.


Guest: Hannes Hubrich (Chamber of Architects Thuringia)

Link to BAK    Link to AKT    Link to Weimar University

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