Since 2013, in France, Built Environment Education (BEE) is part of the obligatory pupil’s Artistic & Cultural Educational Track. The artistic and cultural education is obligatory and part of the curriculum from elementary to high school children. It is implemented in schools and outside of schools, during the schooling the pupil is being provided with continuous educational support. For the implementation of the artistic and cultural education a special guide is available and most of all -since September 2013- a special Professional Education for Teachers (ESPE). Financial means for the artistic and cultural education are to be searched for locally, through different regional ministry administrations, associations and also sponsoring by private money. School teachers and architectural education actors are helped by a red of public institutions all over France, like the Maisons de l’Architecture (Houses of Architecture), CAUE (Conseil d’Architecture, d’Urbanisme et d’Environnement) active since 1977. These public institutions are closely linked to the Ministry of Culture and have a great experience in BEE. In addition -around the country- many very dynamic associations and individuals are involved in creating experimental projects, websites, pedagogical tools, publishing, games, films and workshops.
Member: Ewa Struzynska (Conseil pour l’ International des Architectes Francais - CIAF)