In Austria the nationwide network bink Initiative Baukulturvermittlung für junge Menschen (built environment education for young people) assembles all relevant institutions and organization working in that field. The network is responsible for some common projects, besides that the members act as experts in their own areas. The cooperative projects are: The website, which lowers access by making information and materials easily available, teaching materials, the nationwide Technology Moves Week ‘technik bewegt’ and Symposia on the topic of built environment education. The aim of all projects is to demonstrate the impact of the built environment to the daily life of everyone. Experiencing space is one of the most fundamental events of human existence. Practice shows that children and young people are very interested in their surroundings, perceiving it with a high level of awareness. The recognition of architecture is a learned skill, a skill that stimulates spatial comprehension and the understanding of design potential and the built environment. Architecture and built environment education improves visual, linguistic and decision-making skills and empowers a responsible participation in built environments.
Guest: Barbara Feller (Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten)